Saturday, November 21, 2009

End of a chapter; start of a new one

On December 18th, 2009; I'll be concluding my time here in Washington DC. It feels like yesterday that I just got here and here I am wrapping up my internship. Time flies when you're learning and having fun. I've learned a good chunk of what the political process looks like and while I have so much more to learn, I feel it's only appropriate I take time to acknowledge what I've learned.. Come December 19th. Here's a little bit of what I've seen firsthand; some good, some bad and some ugly:
- The influence of special interests
- The benefits of seniority
- The pros and cons of not legislating along party lines
- The myths from the realities of representation in Congress
- The norms in Congress concerning ethics
- The methods which work and don't work for constituents and their issues
- Constituency outreach
- Office Organization
- Prejudice
- The way wealth can determine someone's outlook on the world
- Compromises in politics

I'll have plenty to talk about once the internship is over; trust me when I say there's no shortage of material I'd be discussing. Come Spring semester, I'll have to get back to the drawing board though and chart out my next bigger move; HOW can I top my experience here? Good Question; I'll get back to you when I've got an answer.

Patiently waiting,
David Javier Solis

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