Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Back to the Drawing Board

I came to Washington, D.C. with my own set of ideas and while some have changed and some have been reinforced, I find it a great privilege to base much of the political awareness I possess on my experience here in this city and on Capitol Hill. I've taken courses that dealt with the workings of Congress, the functioning of interest group politics, urban issues and the role of arts in a democratic society. These courses have taught me the details of how our political systems work and though there is much more to learn about our political world, I can't begin to express the value of the insight and knowledge I've attained in the course of 4 months.

I've seen much of what Washington D.C. offers; whether in museums, monuments or in the Congressional offices I've worked in through my internship. Retrospectively, I can look back and say to myself that although I could've done a few things differently (i.e. seen more of the D.C. nightlife), I truly believe I've done much of what I came into D.C. to do. I've learned much of what I've wanted to learn and have come to the conclusion that there is yet more to learn. In a professional environment like Capitol Hill, the more you know, both socially and intellectually, the better your prospects down the road are. Networking has been major for me and sure; I don't have a long list of names of people I can call for a favor, but I'm comfortable with the extent of networking I've done in D.C; whether it was speaking to ambassadors, field experts, legislative assistants or members of Congress.

I love this city. I'll miss this city.

In a matter of 4 months, I've taken in an invaluable amount of information and knowledge. Nowhere else in the world would I have been granted the opportunities I was granted here. Washington D.C...

I've had a 'to do' list since high school...

Capitol Hill was the last on that list.

Time for a new List..

Back to the Drawing Board.

On the Rise,
David Javier Solis

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