Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The 2012 Elections and What To Expect.

Believe it or not, It's been almost 4 years since the election between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama. Much has taken place upon Obama's arrival to the White House; Some Good, Some Bad. A number of controversial issues have come up since November of 2008 and this administration, while currently up in poll numbers when polled against the current Republican candidates, has a very difficult road ahead of itself if it hopes to earn another 4 years from the American public. Whoever the Republican candidate may be, it seems as though the issues that the 2012 election will revolve around will remain the same: The economy, 'Obamacare', energy costs and entitlement programs. In all likelihood, Obama will not match both the fundraising and enthusiasm he had in 2008 when he ran on the 'change' and 'hope' themes. It is evident a large number of independent voters have become disenfranchised with Obama and even some of his most ardent liberal supporters are apprehensive about putting in all the effort for his campaign over again. Obama has his strengths and weaknesses coming into the 2012 elections, as does his eventual Republican opponent. This being said..

What are your predictions out there in the blogosphere?

Forever Discussing Politics,

Sunday, March 18, 2012