Saturday, October 10, 2009

Concerns on congress

Washington D.C. has been an experience all its own. I've learned in a short two months that in order to enter the world of politics and hold prestige, networking is key. If one hopes to make a ripple in the political ocean, one must know the fundamentals of what it takes and who to get there with. I've seen that the senate is not so much a chamber of 100 individual mentalities; it is a handful of allegiances. The House of Representatives is a chamber where 435 representatives come together and engage in groupthink; ideas are brought forward and succeed depending on how much the rest of the body of representatives stand to gain from passing it. It is not true that congress is a place full of representatives who don't care. There are a few people who just happen to care much more than the next guy. Congress is a forum where great ideas can become diluted with greed, watered down through procedure and tainted by the interests of a few. Some justify this by pointing out these actions as being democratic processes. While this may be true, there is no saying certain ways and means of congress cannot be changed. The obstacle with doing so, is that congress itself, dictates what congress can and can't do. There are checks and balances yet congress, since its inception, maintains an atmosphere where unethical actions are not only permissible; they are sometimes encouraged in the pursuit of partisan politics. This fact should in effect, serve as a rebuttal to the 'democratic process' legitimization of what happens in congress. Again, this does not go to say all members of congress are illegitimate and unsuitable for representation; they have, for the most part, demonstrated that they can advocate on behalf of the causes they believe. Let's just hope that these causes are honorable ones.

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