Saturday, August 15, 2009

Days Til' D.C.

In about 13 days from today, I'll be in D.C. starting the experience of a lifetime; an experience I had only dreamt about before reaching college. I'll be interning on Capitol Hill and taking classes there. It'll be unlike anything I've ever taken part in and I get to work in politics hands-on. I get to enter the U.S. capitol at one of the most interesting times in American history and see the very processes our legislators must work through in order to make some form of progress (hopefully). I'm going to D.C. optimistic about the political knowledge I'll attain over the next 4 months. I'm thrilled about the prospects of networking with all sorts of different people; people who will make all the difference for me and my future with public policy. I have no false illusions about what to expect; I will in fact, come back to Danbury, Connecticut (and UConn) a different person with a set of different beliefs. Some of my beliefs I go to D.C. with will only be reinforced; others will change. No matter what though, I promise myself, my friends, my family and anyone reading this; I won't forget where it is I come from and who helped me get to anywhere I go in life. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. What can i say meng its guna be a long 4 months..I really am proud of you, progressing and doing what you love most.


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