Monday, March 8, 2010

6 economy stimulators

Enough playing politics; the stimulus didn't work to the extent it was designed to work, I think we can all agree on that, can't we? I'm thinking of a few things that might actually help put the economy back on track that involves changing a few things around in a number of places in our society. Let me know what you think.

1. Financial incentives and subsidies to bring outsourced jobs back home

Business is business and while most American corporations would love to stay in the U.S and hire American workers, it has become increasingly difficult to do so and enjoy their large profits, in result of international trade treaties and globalization. In the eyes of many, business in the U.S. has become increasingly unfriendly with more and more tax increases being foreseen for both major corporations and small businesses. Let's reverse that trend and give things like tax breaks, worker tax credits and government subsidies for certain industries that wouldn't otherwise expand their workforce in the United States.

2. Reform Criminal Justice policy

A major chunk of the billions of dollars we spend incarcerating non-violent prisoners is due to drug crimes. With drug addiction playing a major part of this staggering statistic, we need to realize many of these drug offenders are absolutely able to become rehabilitated and with sufficient resources, rampant drug use and drug crimes can become dramatically decreased. That is of course, with sufficient resources.

3. Legalize Marijuana

With reasonable regulation and laws, marijuana has the potential to become a multibillion dollar industry. You put a lot of revenue out of the hands of the major gangs and cartels and what you get in return is substantial business revenue.

4. Reward Education

Higher Education is no longer something that's just desirable; it's becoming more and more necessary in a competitive world market that demands more knowledge. If unemployment is rampant, part of that problem, although not all of it, may have to do with the levels of education employers are seeking or desire. Many of the jobs leaving the states are ones requiring college educated-workers who are willing to work cheaper than American college educated workers. Why not have deductions, credits and financial aid for parents who can't afford to put their child in daycare, homeowners who can't afford to go to school and pay mortgage, business owners who find it difficult to leave their business temporarily for school and other extenuating circumstances.

5. Health care reform

I'm no expert on health care but if you do the math, lower costs = lower premiums and lower costs would lower government payouts to physicians. That would result in a lower deficit. Get SOMETHING done, Congress.

6. Expand services of the Small Business Association

Government should be very business friendly and provide an increased amount of useful resources for future and current small business owners. This could mean anything from counseling, consulting, expertise and other services that every business owner in the country can enjoy; free of charge.


  1. You are a democrat.

  2. Nope. Moderate Republican. I'm far more "libertarian" then Democrat, if anything, but definitely not a Democrat.


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