Thursday, February 4, 2010

Questions for the World to ponder

In class, history is a topic of which I enjoy learning more and more about. Those of you who know me; Politics is my passion. Politics is local; and while many of us reading this dislike political discussions and conversations, these conversations matter. Here's a few questions that I have asked myself recently that maybe some of you might want to put :

1. Does the U.N. work for what it's designed to do?
2. Does going into politics require you to get your hands dirty?
3. Is it time for a third major political party in the U.S.?
4. Where does our education stand in comparison to the rest of the developed world?
5. Is political correctness what some call 'intellectual tyranny'?
6. Will my generation see a third world war?
7. What will be the U.S. stance be on the war on drugs in the next few decades?
8. What's the difference between federal rights and constitutional rights?
9. Over the next 50 years, will Puerto Rico still be a commonwealth?
10. Will we ever switch over to a popular vote system as opposed to an electoral college system?
11. Will we see Congressional reapportionment (e.g. more Representatives added to congress)
12. Will the American right to bear arms be gradually taken away over the next few decades?
13. Will the undocumented immigrants in the U.S. one day see amnesty or mass deported?
14. Is education, tax, health and governing reform going to take place during this decade?
15. Has post-racist America become a 'classist' America? (i.e. has class bias replaced race bias?)

Bored in class,
David Javier Solis

1 comment:

  1. Free LuLu?? lol, Who is this?? I can't take you serious. In case you are though, I'm not saying we're past racism but I am saying we've made so much progress, Race isn't something that institutions can OVERTLY say is the reason for oppression.. Despite most of our society having become more tolerant of diverse backgrounds. What do you think?


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