Have a little faith in me, you need to know my dreams.
Despite the slow timing, it's better than it seems.
I've thought my life through, beside me, you can stand.
If only you promise I'll have your faith, your full faith in me as a man.
I need you to believe in me, when the rest of the world won't..
.. and when all else has doubted me, promise me you don't.
You see, I'm a man of aspirations, my dreams are of the day;
and I need your full faith in me to not let me sleep my dreams away.
I need to know you're there, with nothing there to hide.
Not to follow, nor to lead, but as my woman, be beside.
I need the up's to keep me afloat, the down's to keep me humble.
I need you to be my rock when the rest of the world crumbles.
When I'm hurting, I need you to notice, cause as a man, I can't show it.
For reasons I can't express, I still need you there to know it.
Your full faith as my woman, and when it comes to the heart of it;
I don't ask to be your world, I just ask to be a part of it.
I come with strengths, I come with flaws; I am merely just a man.
But with your faith, I can take on the world.. With Your Faith, I Can Stand.