Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My First Blog Poem

As I was rummaging through my old papers, I came across a few poems I wrote last summer (just to see if I still had it in me!) I was a little rusty after so many years, but I tried! haha, I figure I'll put a few up that some people might be able to relate to.

"You've been hurt, battered and bruised; left out on your own.
You entrusted him with all you had, now you're all alone.
You had your heart broken and it still has not healed
Tell me this, tell me now; how do you really feel?
Do you see your life with another, or is your life just you?
When another man steps to the plate, tell me; what will you do?
Is one man at fault for another man's neglect?
You think with your mind but love with your heart; which one will you protect?
Will animosity run your life or will you live life by fear?
Are you scared of love and getting hurt; are you scared of tears?
To love is to be helpless; are you scared of trust?
You know there are other beautiful women, so are you afraid of lust?
What is it you're scared of and why is it you run?
Is it because you Hate Love from the harm one man has done?
I see your lessons learned, and you say you will not bend
but tell me this, tell me now.. When will you love again?"

In my attempts to get my poetry swag back!
- David.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The State of Hip Hop in 2011: Has it Come Out The Coma?

Hip Hop Is Back!

Why do I say this, some might ask. The reason I say this is because while there are still several rappers and artists who do not deserve the radio air play or the financial success given to them, it is becoming more and more apparent that the mainstream Hip Hop audience has become sick of the trend that came about from what I call, snap-rap. "Crunk" rap is becoming less and less played on the radio airwaves. Ringtone Rappers are becoming decreasingly popular and as a result, are putting out less music and receiving less airtime. It's fair to say, I think they got the hint. They Suck.

What do you folks think, Is Hip Hop back on the come up and out of it's Coma, or do you disagree and say either it was never in a "coma" or it still hasn't recovered from the slump in recent years?

Hip Hop Forever,
- David