Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Please Donate Today

Martin Luther King Jr. once said "Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. "

In the bible, Proverbs 22:9 states "He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor."

Buddha once said "Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little."

Gandhi once stated "Poverty is the worst form of violence."

The great Greek poet Aesop once said "No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."

And Finally, Mother Teresa once said "At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done."

We will be judged by 'I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was naked and you clothed me, I was homeless and you took me in.'

Hungry not only for bread -- but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing -- but naked for human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks -- but homeless because of rejection." 

I've realized these past months that all too often, people become preoccupied with their own sense of identity and uplifting, all while taking for granted the uplifting of others less fortunate. I, myself, have been guilty of this and realize now that as a person and as a Christian, It's time I carry out on engaging in deeds that make me a Christian, an American, and a Man. 

 We all have our obligations to carry out; regardless of faith, citizenship or affiliation. Before all else, we are all HUMAN. Please, I ask you all to please contribute whatever little you may have to the needy. Let us evaluate who we are and carry out our inherent tasks as people. Thank you.  

It's Time, 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"With Your Faith"

Have a little faith in me, you need to know my dreams.

Despite the slow timing, it's better than it seems.

I've thought my life through, beside me, you can stand.

If only you promise I'll have your faith, your full faith in me as a man.

I need you to believe in me, when the rest of the world won't..

.. and when all else has doubted me, promise me you don't.
You see, I'm a man of aspirations, my dreams are of the day;

and I need your full faith in me to not let me sleep my dreams away.
I need to know you're there, with nothing there to hide.

Not to follow, nor to lead, but as my woman, be beside.

I need the up's to keep me afloat, the down's to keep me humble.

I need you to be my rock when the rest of the world crumbles.

When I'm hurting, I need you to notice, cause as a man, I can't show it.

For reasons I can't express, I still need you there to know it.

Your full faith as my woman, and when it comes to the heart of it;

I don't ask to be your world, I just ask to be a part of it.

I come with strengths, I come with flaws; I am merely just a man.

But with your faith, I can take on the world.. With Your Faith, I Can Stand.

"I Dream"

Experience has taught me much, the good and bad I've seen.

To make the good, better and the bad, good; for these reasons alone, I Dream.

I dream when there is no air to breathe, or a sky to see.

I dream when I'm just 1 step away from finding the best in me.

I dream when I am content, I dream when I am upset.

I dream when I rejoice in achievement and dream when full regret.

I dream because of all things in life, my dreams cannot be taken.

I dream because when all seems lost, in my dreams, I am never forsaken.

You see, I've never had much, but many dreams; I've had.

I've had dreams that were so good that I've needed so bad.

I've learned you can exist or you can live; as confusing as it may seem...

... I've learned that while the world is sleeping, it's better to lay and dream.

"Take Me As I Am"

Take me as I am, a man with many flaws.

A man that loves unconditionally, a man that loves without cause.

A man that loves far too much, a man who cannot hate.

I am what I am, I say what I say, despite what it may create. 

I think too much and feel even more; tell me, who should I be?

When my greatest friend and my greatest foe are both found within me?

I say too much and I'm too honest; how do I tell you what's true,

when lying to you hurts me, and telling you the truth hurts you?
When you get mad, I won't react; In anger, I become weak.

In anger I might say things I wish I did not speak.

... And so I don't speak, because I refuse to let my guard down, 

but when I don't speak, you think I don't care; tell me what I do now.

You despise me when I'm  with you and miss me when I'm away.

You couldn't stand me yesterday, but you say you love me today.

Take me as I am, and as in the years we've both been through...

Take me as the Flawed Man who loves too much and is sitting here waiting for you.

"What More Do We Really Need?"

Tell me you're with me, through thick and through thin.

Because I can never replace the love that I'm in.

We've been up, we've been down; always hand in hand.

For years we've wondered, "How much more can we stand?"

So just when we think we can't bear these pains anymore,

I just want to remind you, love; we've been down this road before.

Yes, we said we can't make it, and yes we've said we need help,

yet despite the struggle and uncertainty, look at how far we've dealt.
In case you forgot, I Love You; Now and Forever More.

In all the struggles that we've endured, we should never forget what they're for.

The times are going so fast, and it's hard to keep up to speed.

but If I got YOU, and you got ME; what more do we really need?

Monday, November 21, 2011

I'm Just Now Seeing...

... What if I've been so fixated on my career, I've forgotten about what really matters in my everyday life?

What if I've been so preoccupied with the people I'm supposed to meet that I forgot about the people I've already met?

What if I put myself before my family and broke my promise to them?

What if, in my pursuit of who I am to BECOME, I've forgotten who I AM?

Taking a Few Steps Back...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Interesting Political Comics

Sometimes a picture with a caption can make for so much more conversation than an article,  and remember; I don't own ANY of these. Leave the lawyers at home, people. Enjoy.

To Imagery,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Moammar Gaddafi Is No More...

After months of rebellion and assaults, Moammar Gaddafi has finally met his fate and was killed Thursday by gunshot wounds. Libya's revolution has reached a milestone that guarantees the liberation of the people after decades of Gaddafi's rule. New questions arise though:

What will Libya transform into?
If Libya becomes an Islamic state, will NATO intervene again?
Will the killing of Gaddafi result in an increased hostility among the Arab populations currently living in dictatorships?

Short and simple, what are your thoughts on not only Libya's future, but the region's future?

- David.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Precursor to a Revolution or A Leftist Tea Party?

In the past few weeks, a small group of protesters on Wall Street have caught the attention of the mainstream media. In what was originally a small gathering of people protesting economic inequality and the greed on Wall Street, the protest has spread to several major cities and towns throughout the United States. The protest in New York City has also rekindled a number of questions concerning economic inequality, class warfare and the Obama Administration's ability (or inability) to take on the demands of the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

Some see the protesters as the precursors to civil disorder and revolution..

Some see the protesters as naive liberal unemployed Americans..

Some see the protesters as the Left's answer for the Tea Party Movement..

Me? I'm glad to see Americans are gathering in the thousands to protest our government.. PERIOD. I don't care if you're protesting the atrocities from the Bush administration or the Obama Administration's inability to handle the economy and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The fact that Americans are coming together to oppose failed and flawed policies of our government, present and past; I'm relieved to see that Democracy is in fact, at work. This protest highlights an important aspect of our nation, that is that the government is failing in it's role as portrayed in the American adage that it must work "In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union."

Wall Street Firms haven't quite been the most constructive of institutions, both before the 2008 financial collapse and after. Most are very apprehensive of the regulations being proposed and those already passed after the collapse. For this reason, I believe the protests are sparking much needed discussion between regular people, government regulators and wall street firms. The reactions from all will determine how much progress or mayhem is to be brought on by these protests.

I will admit though, I have several concerns with this protest; many of which I share with the Tea Party Movement as well. I'm concerned that this protest will enrage the poor and middle class against the wealthy and vice versa. My biggest concern is that these two protests will polarize the country and its policies at a time when unity is desperately needed. Many people will genuinely believe this era is one which became a time of the rich vs. the poor. Between the unemployed and the ultra wealthy, a national crisis could hurt the middle class the most. I feel that should this spiral into a dispute of "Occupy Wall Street vs. Tea Party Movement", more crises are to arise and the messages of both protests stand to be watered down.

My other concern is that Occupy Wall Street will become a political tool for the left as the Tea Party Movement is a tool for the right. It's clear that far right policies haven't fixed the economy in the 8 years under Bush and the far left policies of the Obama administration are only making matters worse. I feel that not enough Americans are gathering to just admit "The Republicans AND Democrats got this all wrong; Therefore I won't vote for either of them." Not enough discussion has been made (yet) of doing the impossible: Creating a major third political party. Recently, and Labor Unions decided to endorse and take part in the occupy wall street protests. This is reminiscent of when right-wing organizations and companies decided to take part in the tea party movement protests. Once outside money and influence is injected in these protests, the message is hampered and the protests become politically polarized; something that hasn't worked for us as a nation.

My hope is admittedly, a long shot... That the Tea Party Movement and Occupy Wall Street protests decide to combine their demands and efforts in a way that compromises their own ideals yet contributes and creates a movement that unites the country and institutionally reforms the flawed policies and programs within our government and public policy.

Below is a video I found VERY interesting and informative. Please watch the whole video and give me feedback on how you interpret this man's message and ideas.

In Hopes of A Greater Democracy...

- David.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

America's Debt; MY take on it...

Recently, Congress decided to increase the debt limit the U.S. government is allowed to possess. At more then 14 trillion dollars, Congress increased the debt limit by more then 2 trillion dollars. In return, Congressional Republicans were guaranteed budget cuts by the trillions. Amongst the political wrangling and bickering, it seems though that we've forgotten the significant reasons for debating debt limits and debt limit increases.

While Congress was busy debating what should be cut from the budget, how much of an increase was necessary and what programs were hands on and off, the discussion shifted away from what I think was the biggest question: How do we avoid future debt limit increases in the future?

For anyone who's confused about this whole topic and why it's so important to our economy, politics and way of life, I'll be sure to explain all the complex details in short, comprehensible ways in a later post. In the meantime, What do some of you suggest we cut out of the budget?

Military funding?
College loan funding?
Social security?

- Keeping discussion fresh,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Where Are We Headed As A Community?

Lately, the news and media has given us less and less reason to have faith in our sense of community and identity. Matters such as the debt ceiling, our trade deficit, our unemployment rates, our decline in educational advantages, three wars being waged and increase in prices on EVERYTHING (most notably Gas) has our community feeling overwhelmed. We struggle to get by everyday and since so many people are living check to check and day by day, we have a hard time believing we can make not only ourselves better as individuals, but even more difficult, ourselves better as a community. Now I'm not going to have you sit here and read a to-do list I made for our world; I simply want to know what YOU believe as an individual our community needs, lacks, and has too much of.

Trying to get the talking started,

Friday, April 29, 2011

If I Knew THEN What I Know NOW...

Last Night, I finished my last undergraduate class I'll ever take and realized that as fast as I came is as fast as I'm leaving. I never realized the extent of everything I'd see these past four years and the significance of all my experiences. There have been up's and down's; though far mores up's then down's. FAR MORE. I wish I could say it wasn't over but it is. There's a time for everything and I'm moving on to the next chapter in my life. I can say though, there are things I wish I either knew well in advance of college, or things I did in college.

1. ENGAGE PROFESSORS : None of us are perfect in EVERY part of our curriculum and I wish I really understood the amount of help and insight professors and teaching assistants could provide. I wasn't at first fond of the idea of attending meetings I wasn't required to go to but after a number of difficult classes, I've realized that the best answers sometimes can't be found in a textbook. Some answers and material just needs to be explained by an actual person who can sit down and talk it through with you.

2. SCHOLARSHIPS : Unless you're on a free to college (not most of us), we could never have too many money from scholarships. Although a substantial amount of money was given to me in grants and scholarships, I never realized the extent of how much free money for school there was out in the world until I was already in college. Also, I was one of the many people who went through college with the idea that after high school, there weren't many more new scholarships that could be attained. WRONG. Big mistake on my part and unfortunately, I'll be paying for it (No pun intended)...

Moving Right along..

3. NETWORKING: I was lucky enough to appreciate the value of networking way before college yet was not anticipating the extent it would have on not only my academic life, but my career. I will say I've done a substantial amount of networking in college, yet wish I did even more considering just how competitive it is out there "in the real world" (a phrase I DETEST, by the way). Bottom line is the timeless saying remains more true than ever in today's world: "It's not about WHAT you know; It's about WHO you know."

For anyone graduating, these things might be a tad too late for you as they are for me. But for anyone who can still take advantage of more college years to come, do so. Remember how fast your first year of college was?

... It doesn't get any slower.

Time Flies and just when you feel like you're catching up, it gets faster.

To The Years,
- David.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My First Blog Poem

As I was rummaging through my old papers, I came across a few poems I wrote last summer (just to see if I still had it in me!) I was a little rusty after so many years, but I tried! haha, I figure I'll put a few up that some people might be able to relate to.

"You've been hurt, battered and bruised; left out on your own.
You entrusted him with all you had, now you're all alone.
You had your heart broken and it still has not healed
Tell me this, tell me now; how do you really feel?
Do you see your life with another, or is your life just you?
When another man steps to the plate, tell me; what will you do?
Is one man at fault for another man's neglect?
You think with your mind but love with your heart; which one will you protect?
Will animosity run your life or will you live life by fear?
Are you scared of love and getting hurt; are you scared of tears?
To love is to be helpless; are you scared of trust?
You know there are other beautiful women, so are you afraid of lust?
What is it you're scared of and why is it you run?
Is it because you Hate Love from the harm one man has done?
I see your lessons learned, and you say you will not bend
but tell me this, tell me now.. When will you love again?"

In my attempts to get my poetry swag back!
- David.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The State of Hip Hop in 2011: Has it Come Out The Coma?

Hip Hop Is Back!

Why do I say this, some might ask. The reason I say this is because while there are still several rappers and artists who do not deserve the radio air play or the financial success given to them, it is becoming more and more apparent that the mainstream Hip Hop audience has become sick of the trend that came about from what I call, snap-rap. "Crunk" rap is becoming less and less played on the radio airwaves. Ringtone Rappers are becoming decreasingly popular and as a result, are putting out less music and receiving less airtime. It's fair to say, I think they got the hint. They Suck.

What do you folks think, Is Hip Hop back on the come up and out of it's Coma, or do you disagree and say either it was never in a "coma" or it still hasn't recovered from the slump in recent years?

Hip Hop Forever,
- David

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Falling Dominos in the Middle East.

First Tunisia.
Then Egypt.
Now the oppressive regimes of Libya and Bahrain are battling for their tyrannical holds on power against their own citizens.

Moammar Gadhafi appears to be the next domino to fall in a line of decades-long dictators who've refused to loosen his grip on power within his respective nation. It appears that the longer the dictator has been in power (in Gadhafi's case, close to 40 years), the less willing they are to accept changes to the status quos' they've imposed and developed. After Gadhafi is kicked out of power, which he WILL be based on news reports and the atrocities he's committed over the past weeks, Libya will be faced with the difficult task Tunisia and Egypt have encountered. The question of rebuilding and reform will fall upon the nation of Libya and as is often the case, the youth will have more say in the fate of their country; both short term and long term. With so many protests going on in the region, it begs the question:

Who's Next To Go?

Best Wishes To The Youth of The World,
 - David